Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our Proud, Materialistic Generation-Part 1

Singapore, the seemingly Utopia of the world, the small red dot sheltered from natural disasters enjoyed political stability. Yet we faced a different enemy no less destructive and yet more subtle. The enemy has many names such as " Arrogance, Identity Crisis (I do not see myself as Singaporean forever), Materialistic.

All comments are a generalized description of kids from middle to high income.
For Illustration
70s-80s: kids wear panda and swan brands
80s-90s: wear a mixtures like swan brand, some sports brand like Adidas
90s-now: branded goods
I am no caveman or some old guy who frown upon "dun waste money buy branded goods la" that type.

What i am illustrating is that because of the improving financial power of the kids/youths, they are not to be blamed to be materialistic. They are merely products of our education system and society.

"With greater power comes greater responsibility". Any of the parents have took great pains to to teach financial management, showing them how to use their money responsibly. Mine did, but i guess not many nowadays do. Many just showered them with $$$ in compensation of lack of family time and love.

Latest handphones, newest branded handbags, shoes, clothes watches gadgets etc soon became the identity of the youths who want to be seen as hip. Without a handphone in school for a secondary school kid will make him feel out of place. We are setting mindset of our generations into striving for good life described in material form chasing the pleasure of the world.

When financial storms come, the hollow pockets of the generation will be rocked and crumbled. Their identity no longer formed by the good social values of the society but rather represented by the material wealth they owned which can be eaten by dust and moths.

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