Li Jia wei Dragging the Singapore Flag on the ground.
Second Pic (left) showed her with grumpy look with no pride @ all
YouTube Video Showing her dragging the flag across the ground:
Armenia Flag bearer looking proud and happy even though they are a small country.
Flag bearer from Barbados proud to represent country in Beijing Olympics.

Comments: Li Jiawei is of a larger built than this pettie japanese sportswoman and see how upright she holds the flag. No excuse, if you should be ashamed of yourself, Li Jia wei.
If Flag touches the ground in national service, we would have burnt many weekends doing guard duties. Yea, favour the talented and not the patroitic? Is the government trying to bring this msg to us? Let's ponder.
I couldn't say I am a patriotic Singaporean. In fact, I never was. But when I saw how my country flag is treated, I am disgusted. It swept on the ground of the "bird nest" Stadium in Beijing in front of Billions watching in the world.
If Li Jiawei (Singapore Flag bearer) the ground occasionally by accident, it can be forgiven. But our flag was dragged across the whole track to the holding area. By the way, Li Jiawei is a "Made in China" foreign talent in Singapore. However, please show some respect to our nation as 9th August is our national day. "AND U Dragged our Flag on the ground a day before our national DAY??!!!"
The most guilty party of all in this incident is the Singapore Sports Association (Council) or whoever you are. In the first place, why can't you choose a born in Singapore and bred in Singapore Athlete to hold the flag? I bet they will at least show pride and respect to the flag. Look @ Li Jiawei, she looked grumpy at times holding our Flag. Compare the pictures above.
Flags, especially NATION/National Flags are NOT to touch the ground be it in a foreign soil or in it's own land.
It is standard, and a globally accepted sign of respect to the Flag which represents that organization - in this case a NATION - the People.
It is commonly accepted that if a Flag touches the ground, even a tip of it in just a millisecond, it is a sign or show that the Flag and its People are 'slaves' or 'nobody' - in other words, they are not proud of their existence and their Nation/Nationality.
Such a shame. Whatever the reason is for that, be it she is tired or it is too heavy, someone, somewhere should have helped her or informed her that she should raised it up so as not to touch the ground.
I'm an ASEAN-Filipino and as an ASEAN, that is not acceptable.
Well said. Laibeus lord. It is not a shame to change flag bearer if she is feeling unwell.
Thanks for your valuable comments. Hope Phillipines also do well in Olympics and ASEAN countries can get more gold. Cheers.
Yah, there's nothing wrong to help or change the flagbearer right there and then, for the sake of the flag not touching the ground.
It's interesting to know the comments from the Singaporean Government about this matter. If it happened to the Philippines, people will be rallying in the streets and it will be the headlines of major newspapers :p
Well, let's hope for the best for all ASEANs!! Myanmar sent 1, Brunei sent 2. Hope each country wins at least 1 medal. ^_^
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