Friday, October 10, 2008

Crisis brings opportunitities: Learning to catch fishes in troubled waters

The financial tsunami reaching into Asian market and it may be bad news for most. Singapore is officially declared in recession.

Many of the stocks reminds me of the overpriced sw*s*n ice cream i had in Orchard road. Suddenly sold like ice cream being paddled by the uncles on ice cream motorbikes selling @ $1 per scoop per cone. (sidetrack)

Think this way. ..if you are home maker, or someone looking forward to long term investment. My foresight is property market in SG. SG is diff from U".S simply because we lack of land and govt have plans to further increase the poplualtion. Pro-family policies including baby bonuses not long ago remember?

Through previous down periods of Singapore banks, we see mergers (DBS-POSB, (keppel bank)). This is not likely to happen as the last merger have consolidated the strs of the major banks now. If the tsunami threatens to destroy MAJOR SG banks like DBS, UOB etc, do you think our govt will sit there and watch the show. Knowing the mentality of our government is another important point. "What goes up will come down" A rubber ball that thrown into the air will come down to the ground and then bounce... (U get the hint?)

This is only a handful of opportunities i see..there are specific ones...but i will not reveal too much for it is better to put things into action than to say a million "do wat"s.

My 2 cents about the financial turbulance.
Last advise : "The hastier u are eager to make quick bucks, the quicker u are likely to lose"

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